Sunday, January 24, 2010

Middle of January

It happens to the best of us. We get busy, and life gets away from us. I don't like this very much... I love being able to cherish each moment, each day, and each memory. Although life has been hectic, i've managed to get a few pictures taken along the way. First off, I finally went out and bought a gym pass again. In highschool I was an avid gym goer. I loved being in shape and being able to work my stress out. Besides those good reasons to get one, the added padding around my abdomen is not very loved. I would be glad to see it go :)

We've also been going on lots of dates and shopping lots. ---Thanks to gift cards, christmas money, and birthday money--- (thanks to all of you!) It has been so much fun! Honestly, one of my favorite date nights it going shopping with T and buying him clothes, then going out to dinner somewhere delish, then going back home and watching a movie/tv season (yes, sometimes we almost watch a whole season! Especially when we started Heroes)
Apart from all the fun, we're just still working and studying. My sister's boyfriend asked Taylor if he ever does anything besides studying. That answer is NO. Although, I must brag to you all that he does most of the house work. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. I am so lucky!!!


Rachel said...

Cool pictures Heidi! I absolutely love the shoe one!

I changed my font at